February 6th, 2007 at 7:52 am

2006年10月16日 ,  24個國家一起核准通過了國際募款倫理守則 。

這個歷史性的時刻記錄了第一個管理全球募款活動的正式文件 , 以及四年來國際間對話的高峰 。該會議是第四屆國際高峰會 , 開始於2003年加拿大多倫多而結束於2006年荷蘭Noordwijkerhout 。該倫理守則的目的是為了促進全球募款社群的成長 。

募款人員在許多不同的領域、 國家、 環境從事募款活動 , 但是他們分享了一些基本的價值及實務經驗:是為了幫助他人 , 以及讓整個世界更美好 。也就是因為這些想法促使募款人員竭盡所能去感受和使用最適合的方法(best practices) 。

這份倫理守則的目的是為了促進全球募款社群在責任性、 透明性以及效率上的成長 。這份守則裡提出那些問題阻礙了募款人員專業的施行 。瞭解到在在許多國家已經有行為規範和施行準則 , 這份守則的目的是在一份全球通用的的募款守則聲明後聯合全球募款社群 。認可這份守則的個人和組織不必然放棄其既有的規範或準則, 但顯示出他們對讓全球瞭解這些基本準則的興趣 。

這份守則能適用於不同的文化背景 , 所以能夠做為剛開始募款活動的地區或組織的指導守則 。這份守則同時也提供清楚的替代方案以適用各地不同的風俗民情 。該守則的支持者也提出共同的目的去確保公眾對非營利部門的信任 , 同時阻止個人的獲利以捐贈者和利害關係人為代價 。

該守則已整合為五個章節 。“將要”(will) 以及“必須”(must)指的是強制的要求, 而“應該”(should)指的是所有贊成該守則的組織認定最好的措施 。該守則認為募款人員的作為受限於許多不同的司法管轄 , 而且他們必須遵守該地的司法 。然而 , 希望支持募款倫理守則的募款人員應該遵行該活動最嚴苛的律法解釋(以及其會員協會的道德規範) , 不論該活動是在那個司法管轄範疇 。

五個通用的準則(The Five Universal Principles)

誠實:募款人員的所作所為不論何時都必須誠實並且足以讓人信任 , 讓公眾信任其是被保護的且捐贈者及受贈者不至於有錯誤的連想 。

尊重:募款人對於本業和組織 , 連同捐款人及受益人的尊嚴 , 均應時時心懷敬意 。

廉正:募款人員必須公開且讓公眾信賴 。必須揭露所有實際或潛在的利益衝突 , 並且避免顯露任何個人或專業的不當行為 。

移情:募款人員在某種程度上是在宣傳其募款的目的並且鼓勵他人使用相同的專業準則及諾言 。募款人員應該重視個人的隱私、 選擇的自由以及多元性 。

透明:募款人員應以精確及可理解的方式來推展關於其所從事的工作、 捐款的管理及分配的方法 , 以及成本和費用等方面報告的透明化 。

施行準則(Standards of Practice)

這些準則的訂立瞭解募款活動受限於許多不同的司法管轄 , 而且其必須遵守當地的司法 。然而 , 我們希望 , 支持這些施行準則的募款人員首先應該遵行最嚴苛的律法解釋 , 以及其會員協會的道德規範 , 不論該活動是在那個司法管轄範疇 。

一、 募款人員在捐贈方面的責任:

  • 若是自發捐贈、 與組織的目標一致並且小於捐贈物合理成本的物品應該接受 。
  • 若捐贈者對捐款用途有特定要求 , 則應照其所要求分配給其希望的受贈者 。
  • 捐款不能做為個人或其募款組織的財務所得 。
  • 資金的募集須小心謹慎並且尊重捐贈者的選擇 , 不給予壓力、 騒擾、 脅迫或強迫 。

二、 與利害關係人(stakeholders) 的關係

  • 募款人員對所有的利害關係人 , 包括捐贈者、 受贈者、 以及員工有完全的責任 。
  • 募款人員應尊重捐贈者的權利 , 藉由提供及時關於捐贈物如何使用的資訊、 尊重捐贈者的隱私以及尊重其意願 。
  • 募款人員應尊重受贈者的權利並且維護他們的尊嚴及自尊 。不可利用捐贈的資料或技巧損及其尊嚴 。
  • 募款人員與供應者或媒介者合作應使用與其組織相同的標準 。他們必須努力去確保當供應者與其合作時不會從中獲取不合理的利潤 。

三、 負責通訊、 行銷以及公眾資訊 。

  • 募款人員應只使用精確、 真實的以及不會使人誤解的公眾資訊 , 並且尊重受贈者的尊嚴及自尊的資訊 。
  • 募款人員不能在公開的資訊裡顯示或暗示募款缺少監督以及募款的成本 , 而因此給予人募款是不用成本的錯誤印象 。募款人員對於其組織明示或暗示募款活動是不需要成本的應表示反對 。
  • 募款人員所提供關於資金的使用之資訊必須真實 , 不能誇大或過份保守 。
  • 募款人員需隨時尊重資料的保護規則及法律 。
  • 募款人員接受所有捐贈者及預期的由組織或代表組織所提供的資訊不能任意移轉或使用 , 除非代表組織 。
  • 捐贈者希望從捐贈名單中移除應立即處理而且不能阻止捐贈者 。

四、 管理報告、 財務、 以及募款成本 。

  • 募款人員確保其所負責的所有募款交易、 會計、 報告都透明化且清清楚楚 。他們能隨時為其專業的工作負責 。
  • 募款人員應鼓勵其組織遵照國家或國際標準的會計原則 。
  • 募款人員應於合理的時間內提供正確的年度報告給所有的利害關係人 , 或者鼓勵其組織如此做 。
  • 募款人員對於募款的成本、 費用、 花費以及募集方式清楚公開地呈給所有利害關係人 。
  • 若員工、 捐贈者、 以及受贈者要求 , 募款人員應將任何報酬之安排透明公開 。

五、 支付款項及報酬 。

  • 募款人員提供他們的服務 , 不論是擔任志願工作、 一般有給職的工作或依合約洽談的工作 , 均不能接受任何由募款所得的傭金或報酬 。
  • 當募款人員代表組織做決定時不能接受任何的慰勞金 。
  • 募款人員不能從商品或服務的供應者尋求或接受任何個人的款項 , 不論現金或任何形式 。
  • 募款人員績效報酬的評核準則必須事先同意並且不能依募款所得的比例為發放準則 。

六、 符合國家的法律 。

  • 如果募款人員的組織違反當地、 州、 省 , 以及國家或國際民法和刑法時他們應該反對 。
  • 募款人員不應為其組織或他人從事與國家或國際法律衝突的活動 。此外 , 他們甚至應避免出現任何犯罪的違反或專業的不當行為 。

如需更多募款倫理的資訊 , 請參考以下專業募款協會網站:



On 16 October 2006, twenty-four countries approved the International Statement of Ethical Principles in Fundraising

This historic moment marks the occasion of the first formal document governing fundraising activity worldwide, and the culmination of four years of international dialogue. The meeting was the fourth International Summit, commencing in Toronto in 2003 and concluding in Noordwijkerhout in the Netherlands in 2006. It is the purpose of this Statement of Ethical Principles to foster the growth of a worldwide fundraising community. 

Fundraisers work in many varied fields, countries and circumstances, but they share several fundamental values and practices: they work to make the difference, help others and save what is valuable, in fact to make the world a better place. It is for these reasons that fundraisers strive to identify and employ best practices.

It is the purpose of this Statement of Ethical Principles to foster the growth of a worldwide fundraising community dedicated to accountability, transparency and effectiveness. In this Statement we want to set forth what unites us in the way we practice our profession.  Recognizing that in many countries there already exist codes of conduct and standards of practice, the intent of this statement is to unify the global fundraising community behind a single universal declaration of fundamental principles. Organizations and individuals who endorse this Statement are not necessarily abandoning existing codes or standards, but are announcing their interest in a global understanding of these fundamental principles. 

Applied in different cultural settings, this Statement can provide guidance for initiating best practices in newly developing markets. It also provides a clear alternative to local customs which may not represent best practices. Adherence to this Statement should also advance the common purpose of assuring public trust in the non-profit sector while discouraging personal gain at the expense of donors and stakeholders. 

A form of words has been incorporated within the statement in paragraph 5 where use of the words “ will ” and “ must ” indicate what is a mandatory requirement and “ should ” what is regarded as best practice by all organizations endorsing the statement. The statement recognizes that fundraisers operate subject to many different jurisdictions and that they must observe the law of the jurisdiction in which they work. However, it is expected that fundraisers adhering to the principles of the statement should adhere to the most rigorous interpretation of the law (and of the Code of Ethics of their own Membership Association) applicable to an activity, whichever jurisdiction that activity derives from.

The Five Universal Principles

Five important principles for acting as a fundraiser:

Honesty : Fundraisers shall at all times act honestly and truthfully so that the public trust is protected and donors and beneficiaries are not misled.

Respect : Fundraisers shall at all times act with respect for the dignity of their profession and their organization and with respect for the dignity of donors and beneficiaries.

Integrity : Fundraisers will act openly and with regard to their responsibility for public trust. They shall disclose all actual or potential conflicts of interest and avoid any appearance of personal or professional misconduct.

Empathy : Fundraisers will work in a way that promotes their purpose and encourage others to use the same professional standards and engagement. They shall value individual privacy, freedom of choice, and diversity in all forms.

Transparency : Fundraisers stimulate clear reports about the work they do, the way donations are managed and disbursed, and costs and expenses, in an accurate and comprehensible manner.

Standards of Practice

These standards are presented with the recognition that fundraisers operate subject to many different jurisdictions and that they must observe the law of the jurisdiction in which they work.  However, it is expected that fundraisers adhering to these standards of practice will, first and foremost, adhere to the most rigorous interpretation of the law, and of the Code of Ethics of their own membership association, applicable to an activity, whichever jurisdiction that activity derives from.

1. Fundraisers responsibility regarding donations.

  • Donations should be accepted if voluntary, in line with the goals of the organization and will bring not more than reasonable costs related to the value of the donation.  
  • Funds will be disbursed in accordance with the donor’s wishes, if expressed.
  • Funds will not be raised for the personal financial gain of the fundraiser or the fundraising organization the fundraiser works for.  
  • Funds will be collected carefully and with respect of donor’s free choice, without the use of pressure, harassment, intimidation or coercion.

2. Relationship with stakeholders.

  • Fundraisers are strictly answerable to all stakeholders including donors, beneficiaries, and employers.
  • Fundraisers will respect donor rights by providing timely information about how contributions are used, respecting donor privacy, and honoring donor wishes. 
  • Fundraisers will respect beneficiary rights and preserve their dignity and self-respect. They will not use fundraising materials or techniques that undermine this dignity.
  • Fundraisers work with suppliers or intermediary agents at the same standards as within their own organization. They make reasonable efforts to assure that suppliers do not gain unreasonable profit while working with their own organization. 

3. Responsibility for communications, marketing and public information. 

  • Fundraisers will only use public information that is accurate, truthful and not misleading, and information that respects the dignity and self-respect of beneficiaries.
  • Fundraisers will not express or suggest in public information that fundraising lacks administration and fundraising costs, thus giving the incorrect impression that fundraising activity is without costs. Fundraisers will object to their organization expressing or suggesting that fundraising activity is without costs. 
  • Fundraisers will provide truthful information about use of funds, without exaggeration or underestimation. 
  • They respect data protection rules and laws at all times. 
  • Fundraisers accept that all donor and prospect information developed by or on behalf of an organization shall not be transferred or utilized except on behalf of that organization. 
  • Donor wishes to be removed from request lists will be followed promptly and without obstacles for the donor.

4. Management reporting, finance and fundraising costs.

  • Fundraisers assure that all fundraising transactions, accounting and reporting for which they are responsible are transparent and unambiguous. They are able to account anytime for their professional work. 
  • They will encourage their organization to report within the national and international standards of accounting methods. 
  • They will submit accurate annual reports to all stakeholders within a reasonable time or encourage their organization to do so.  
  • Fundraisers will be open and clear to all stakeholders about fundraising costs, fees and expenses and the way these are allocated. 
  • They will make any compensation arrangement transparent to an employer, donor, and beneficiary upon request.

5. Payments and compensation. 

  • Fundraisers provide their services either as a volunteer, or on a salaried basis or for pre-determined fees. Fundraisers should not accept commissions or compensation based upon a percentage of the funds raised. 
  • Fundraisers will not accept any gratuity when making decisions on behalf of the organization. 
  • Fundraisers will not seek or accept any personal payments, in cash or in kind, from a supplier of goods or services in recompense for business placed with that supplier. 
  • Criteria that will qualify a fundraiser for performance-based remuneration must be agreed upon beforehand and should not be based on a percentage of the funds raised.

6. Compliance with national laws.

  • Fundraisers will object if the organization they work for does not comply with applicable local, state, provincial and national or international civil and criminal laws.
  • Fundraisers will not engage in activities that conflict with national and international legal obligations to their organization or to others. Moreover, they will avoid even the appearance of any criminal offence or professional misconduct.

If you would like to know more about this Statement, please contact Andrew Watt, Vice President, International Development, Association of Fundraising Professionals, awatt@afpnet.org